Pace Dev


What is a Distillate Pen?

What is a Distillate Pen?

distillate pen

A distillate pen cartridge is a cannabis concentrate product that allows for an easy and convenient way to enjoy THC. Distillate is a very pure and potent form of cannabis extract that can be used in many different ways. In addition to vaping with a distillate pen, it can also be added to edibles and joints. In addition, it is often combined with terpenes to create live resin, which offers a more complex and flavorful experience.

Distillate is a type of extract that is produced using a method called fractional distillation. This process is a quick and inexpensive extraction method that can produce high concentrations of a single phytocannabinoid without the use of solvents. This process can be used to make a variety of cannabis products including edibles, oils, waxes, and dab rig concentrates. Distillate is typically flavorless, but some extract producers add terpenes back into the distillate to mimic the original cultivar or elicit a particular desired experience.

The Distillate Advantage: Why Cannabis Enthusiasts Love Distillate Pens

When you’re looking for a distillate to put into a vape cartridge, there are two main options: live resin or THC distillate. Live resin is a more natural and organic way to enjoy cannabis extract, as it is made from fresh frozen flowers rather than dried or cured buds. It retains more of the terpene profile than distillate, but it’s also more expensive.

THC distillate is a more common choice for people who want to put it into a distillate vape cartridge because it’s less expensive and easier to find than live resin. To prepare the distillate to be loaded into a cartridge you’ll need a syringe or cart filling gun, a heat source and the cartridge itself.

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