Why It Is Important To Select Expert Bund Lining Contractors
The choice of protective coating, lining and expert bund lining contractors for bunds and primary/secondary containment areas must always be tailored to the specific requirements of each project. This includes consideration of temperature ranges, chemical resistance, levels of abrasion and trafficking and the presence or not of water ingress through pipe and cable penetrations.
There are several different resin systems available that can provide excellent protection for bunds and primary/secondary areas, however it is important to select a specialist contractor who understands the nuances of each particular system to achieve the best possible results. For example, there are considerable differences in the concrete, masonry and steel substrate preparation required, permissible moisture content of the concrete, mixing and application techniques and curing/hardening times that need to be considered when selecting a resin product for a specific project.
The key reason for lining a bund is to protect the structure from attack by the chemicals that are stored in the tank or pipe. This is particularly important if the tank contains highly aggressive chemicals such as hydrochloric acid, which can rapidly damage the concrete and jeopardize the ability of the bund to capture and contain any spillage that may occur.
Unlined bunds are also susceptible to oil and other liquids leaking into and staining the surrounding ground. This can cause costly site damage, contaminate the environment and breach Environment Agency pollution guidelines, costing your business tens of thousands of pounds. Lining your bunds with a fibreglass bund liner will prevent this damage and protect the area from further contamination for years to come.